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Doctor Issues Urgent Warning Against Kissing Bearded Men

A doctor has issued an urgent warning against people kissing men with a beard.

Dr Myro Figura, an anesthesiologist from Los Angeles, took to Instagram to explain why kissing someone with a beard can result in infections and skin irritation.

He explained: ‘Kissing somebody with a beard can cause an infection? It sure can.

‘If not clean, the beard can harbour a lot of bacteria like staph and strep and when kissing the beard can cause breaks in the skin, allowing bacteria to enter and cause an infection called impetigo.’

Impetigo is contagious but not serious.

According to the NHS, it starts with red sores or blisters, but the redness may be harder to see on brown and black skin.

‘The sores or blisters quickly burst and often leave crusty, golden-brown patches.

‘The patches can look a but like cornflakes stuck to your skin, get bigger and spread to others parts of your body, be itchy and are sometimes painful.’Treatment can include hydrogen peroxide cream if it’s in 1 area, antibiotic cream or tablets if it’s widespread and antibiotic tablets if it is bullous impetigo (impetigo that includes large, fluid-filled blisters).

It added that pharmacists can help, providing a consultation and treatment but if it is particularly painful or not going away then it’s best to speak to a GP.

Cases typically clear up in seven to ten days with treatment but a surefire way to avoid getting the nasty skin infection is for men to make sure they’re taking good care of their facial hair.

TikTok dermatologist Muneeb Shah previously explained that it’s important to reduce the spread of bacteria and so cleaning regularly can help your skin and your partners.

Social media users flocked to Dr Figura’s video and shared their shock at the infection, with many women revealing that infections like impetigo are the reason they avoid men with beards.

One wrote: ‘That’s why I like clean shaven’, while another said, ‘They will never make me like men with beards!’ and a third commented, ‘baby-faced boys till i die’.

Others took to the comments to share their surprise than men might not wash their beards regularly.

One said: ‘For how long did they keep it unwashed to be a deadly weapon like that?’ and one person commented, ‘Dude who is not washing their beard DAILY?! That thing is a wet sponge when it comes to crumbs and liquids.’

Written by Ogona Anita

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