
Doctors Raise Alarm Over Increasing Cases Of Cancers Linked To Risky Sexual Act

Doctors are growing increasingly concerned over the rise of cancers linked to a common virus spread by risky sex.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses most often spread through oral or penetrative sex and responsible for 95 percent of cervical cancers in women.

However, researchers said the virus is increasingly becoming associated with rising rates of cancers that affect the tonsils, tongue, throat, neck, oesophagus, anus and genitals.

A Medical expert explains that HPV is typically harmless. Adults with more than 3 sex partners are most likely to have had it.

In most cases, it goes on its own. It’s nowhere near the effects of Gonorrhea and STDs, talkless of HIV/AIDS.

Written by Ogona Anita

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