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Govt Reveals Identity Of Suspected Port Harcourt Bomber_

The government gave his name as Josiah Preye, a university graduate who works and lives in Port Harcourt, the state capital.

In a statement by Nelson Chukwudi, the Chief Press Secretary to Governor Sim Fubarar, the government claimed that the suspect is a supporter of the Minister of the FCT, Nyesom Wike.

It also explained that the suspect took part in the solidarity walk on Tuesday in support of the minister

It also explained that the suspect took part in the solidarity walk on Tuesday in support of the minister.

“Josiah Preye was part of the protest on Monday – Day 1 of the protest – and on Day 2, he is seen in this video carrying an improvised explosive device, with specific instructions on how to use, where, and when to detonate the device,” the statement read.

“He is one, among others, in the crowd paid by the sponsors of the evil protest to cause anarchy and chaos in the state with the major aim of justifying their call for a state of emergency in Rivers State, so that they can usurp power from the back door, since they know that Rivers people have rejected them in their various positions.”

The state government backed its claim with a 50-second video showing a masked man, identified as the suspect, participating in the walk and a video of him in the intensive care unit of a medical facility.

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