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Highway Risk: Car Converted From Fuel To Gas With Cylinders Connected To The Back Catches Fire

A car allegedly converted to use gas has overheated excessively, and caught fire, on a major highway raising serious questions about the safety of such changes.

The video, which was posted by a TikTok user identified as Michael Sunday on his account, has sparked a contentious discussion about the dangers of changing conventional fuel-powered automobiles to gas using a cylinder on social media.

The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows a car emitting plumes of smoke as it struggles to maintain stability on the highway. The seriousness of the situation can be observed as concerned bystanders attempt to put out the flames by pouring water beneath the car. Michael Sunday, who shared the video, made a heartfelt plea to his fellow Nigerians in the caption, urging them not to convert their fuel-powered cars to gas using a cylinder installed underneath.

Written by Ogona Anita

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