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How A Nigerian Soldier, Tope From Ikere Ekiti Serving in Benin City Died Trying To Save His Brother Held By Police

According to an eyewitness account Tope from Ikere Ekiti Came back to his Ikere village for the holidays.

At night “NEPA” interrupted the light as usual

The soldier sent his younger brother to go and buy fuel, This was about 9:30 pm

While the brother was driving to get the fuel

A detachment of the Nigerian Police stopped the guy and had him arrested

He explained to the policemen that his soldier brother sent him to buy fuel

The policemen were not interested in that story

So, he called his soldier brother and narrated what was happening

The soldier asked him to give the policemen the phone so he could talk to them

After talking with the policemen on the phone, the policemen refused to let the brother go and equally asked the soldier to come to the checkpoint for proper identification

So, the soldier entered a bike and headed to the police checkpoint

This time, it was around 10:00 pm

While the soldier was on the bike rushing to rescue his brother, he was involved in an accident and sustained a severe injury

People managed to take him to the checkpoint where his brother was held by the policemen

They pleaded with the policemen to allow them to use the car and take him to a hospital but the policemen refused

Thankfully, another car came by and agreed to convey the soldier to the hospital

On their way to the hospital, the soldier gave up the ghost

This is how a soldier who got a Pass from his base in Edo State for holidays ended

NB- This is Nigeria shit happens always – choose your fights well, weigh your options, nobody really cares

Written by Anita Ogona

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