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Japa: Traveling Abroad is Not for You if….Secrets You Should Know!!!

A couple of months ago, a lady contacted me about coming to pursue further studies in the USA. I was happy to guide but guess what? She already had a PhD from her home country and had an established business that was thriving. I told her not to leave her business since there was no one to manage it in her absence. I asked her, what exactly is your motivation to travel abroad?

Her response: my friends abroad keep telling me to jakpa and join them.
I smiled and told her: “traveling abroad is not for you, focus on your business “.
Traveling abroad is not for certain group of people:

1. those who don’t really have a reason or purpose to travel. If you fall in that category, rest. Focus on your current pursuits and strive for excellence wherever you are. You have a business or career that pays well enough to take vacations and expose your kids to other cultures. Rest. Jakpa is not for you. This group become disillusioned and easily discouraged when things are tough in their travel journey. Most people who are established abroad will tell you, it gets tough before it gets easy. This group begins to recall the good life they had back home and complain constantly about their new environment.

2. My second group I call Home buddies. You enjoy the preveledges of being a big man or woman in your home country. You have people at your beck and call. You can’t imagine yourself doing chores or watching your kids. Please stay in your home country and enjoy the pecks. Your marriage or union may not survive abroad. Childcare is expensive and your student budget will suffer if you’re not ready to do these duties.

3. The third group are those who are unwilling to become acculturated or learn and adopt aspects of the new culture they find themselves in. To succeed abroad, you’ll have to learn about the new culture and adopt aspects of it without loosing your own identity.

To conclude, as you commit time and efforts to your application process, ask yourself these questions: Why do I want to travel abroad?
Exposure? Education? Financial stability? Moving away for security reasons? For my family?
May your answer give you the inner motivation to pursue your dreams until you see it materialise.

By: Michael Okoroafor

Written by adminreporter

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