In a shocking turn of events, a retired police inspector, Linus Monday, has been caught carrying out a stop and search operation, despite being out of the force. The former officer was spotted wearing a police uniform with ID card number 6257, and his arrest was announced on Instagram Although the location of the incident was not disclosed, it’s clear that Monday was paraded at a police division, leaving many to wonder how he managed to pull off such a stunt.
The incident has sparked a heated debate online, with some calling for the police to investigate and apprehend any accomplices who may have been involved. One respondent, _shopoing_for_free, pointed out that one person cannot conduct a stop and search operation alone, implying that there may be more to the story. Another netizen, alhaji_highway, described Monday’s actions as an “addictive bribery behavior,” highlighting the potential motivations behind his actions.
Kaduna State Police Command has arrested a fake police officer, Rabiu Sani, who had been impersonating a law enforcement officer for over 10 years
In a separate but related development, the Kaduna State Police Command has arrested a fake police officer, Rabiu Sani, who had been impersonating a law enforcement officer for over 10 years. Sani’s arrest followed credible intelligence on his activities, and he has since been charged to court. According to ASP Mansir Hassan, the command’s Police Public Relations Officer, Sani had been operating around courts, claiming to be a policeman, and a fake police ID card was recovered from him.
The incident highlights the need for vigilance and accountability within the police force, ensuring that only authorized personnel are carrying out stop and search operations. As the police command intensifies efforts to identify and arrest other impostors, it’s clear that the authorities are taking a firm stance against those who would seek to exploit their position for personal gain.