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Opinion: Why GMO Seeds or Seedlings From Some Western Nations Should Be Rejected

Food should be grown and processed in it’s organic and natural form. Nothing like farmers getting enhanced GMO seeds, or seedlings from some western nations, that expires after every farming circle.

Forcing those farmers to return back to those western nations to buy their so called “improved seeds or seedlings” for planting. What if those western nations decidenot to sell again? What if an agenda arises? Remember, He who controls your food, controls your life.

In this 20th century, i have not seen or witnessed any western nation suffer food scarcity or famine. But here in Africa, many nations are currently suffering from food scarcity, while some have experienced famine just recently in this 20th century.

If those western nations decide to depopulate us, they know the kind of seeds or seedlings they will push into the market in Africa. If they choose to spread disease or virus that will be dependent on their vaccines for cure, they know the seeds or seedlings to push into Africa. If they choose to starve us to death, they can easily control the quantity of seeds or seedlings they will push into the market, creating scarcity, that will lead to poor farming season, with low productivity. That will lead to food scarcity, hunger and mass deaths in Africa.

He who controls your food, controls your life. If they succeed in replacing natural organic plants with their improved GMO seeds or seedlings in Africa, then we all will know the true agenda behind this GMO foods. By then it will be too late.

Written by Anita Ogona

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