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God Can Heal All Diseases, Including HIV/AIDS, Through Water- Cleric

A former media engineer and now a cleric, Prophet Nathan Olozulu, says cases of HIV/AIDS and other ailments can be cured using water.

The 81-year-old cleric, of the MANIFESTATION OF THE WORD MINISTRY, confided in our correspondent that God Almighty specifically gave him the instruction to heal diseases using water.

He narrated how he resisted the voice for eight years and some calamities befell him before he heeded the call. And how a sprit being lectured him on how to cure people with HIV/AIDS and other diseases. He said God also called him to confront the demon that spread Corona Virus in South China.

He was working in New York as a radio officer with a shipping company, National Bulk Carrier, and came to Nigeria on holiday to recruit some Nigerians on his return, but all his travelling documents mysteriously got missing and also three of his new vehicles got burnt in a day.

His words: “my name is Nathan Olozulu. I’m an old television engineer. I’ve been in television for years, both in the UK and in Nigeria. I was the first Nigerian to work for NTA, in Victoria Island, Lagos. I know everything about television.

“Then something happened. A voice keeps talking to me, saying: What are you doing in England? Who sent you here? Make sure you don’t learn Mathematics….because you’re not for Mathematics. I received that warning year in year out.

“The federal government of Nigeria sent me abroad to study Marine Telecommunication System. I read so many things…. I have American Diploma, British papers and certificates, and so on. I also worked in New York…

“In 1976, I heard a voice saying: I’m the Almighty God talking to you! He said, command the river and anybody who drinks the water must be healed of any disease! I thought I was going mad!

“If you were in my shoes what would you do? What do you want from God? I became afraid. What would I say? Something then came to my mind, if God can give me the power of the Holy Spirit. And God replied…ehn, you want the power of the Holy Spirit? And now I have given you the power of the Holy Spirit!

“God then said I have clothed you with the power of the Holy Spirit for your blessing, to concentrate on your work. All the details of the instruction were written down………….

He continued: “I decided to go to Abuja…. I went to Abuja, called meetings- with the Speaker House of Representatives, the Senate- but the Holy Spirit said: somebody among them is having a piece of paper in their (sic) pocket, bearing your name planning to kill you! Something I wanted to do and never even started to do it.

“… The Senate and House of Reps called a meeting with the Federal Ministry of Health. It was a woman, I was there. She was supposed to hold a meeting with me. She refused. Been to her office about three times and afterwards, she disappeared. She told her workers to tell me that she had travelled…


The cleric further stated that despite the frustrations from government officials, he kick started the ministry of healing.
Hear him: “I started just like Jesus was doing, going about healing people without taking a dime. Exactly was Christ was doing that was what I was told to do. This is because the Holy Spirit kept telling me: command the water, the river, and the seas. I was with the Almighty God and he was asking me to command the river. We were on a very high altitude. We were not more than three feet apart. This is God Almighty talking to a mere man like me!

“The sea that God asked me to command from the high altitude was the South China Sea. I have passed there before with a ship on my way to Hiroshima in Japan. I went as a black man in a ship as radio officer. God said: command that river, whatever you say it would obey.

“I started going about because Nigeria was suffering from the virus (HIV). That was when I went to the Senate and House of Reps. All the details of the meetings are documented here with me.

“I have tried to reach out to the people through the government and its agencies, but the black man is such a wicked man! They rather want to make money from the people who are suffering and dying from these diseases like HIV/AIDS, Covid 19, etc. my mission is to cure everybody suffering from these diseases while these people want to make money!


Nathan Olozulu also sounded a note of warning that God has vowed to punish all the nations of the world, but will start with Nigeria.

“God said He’s going to punish all the nations of the world, starting from Nigeria. When I began to wonder what kind of punishment, God said He would kill all businesses in Nigeria. I mean it, He said he would kill all businesses in this country. This country is wicked! God also said after Nigeria it is America (US). He’s going to poison the soil of America, and there would be no food. God took me in an airplane to Virginia in the US. He told me to tell Nigerians, they must change their habits that HE may forgive us.

“I’m bringing this message free of charge. Just tell me the people that are dying. Just send me their names.

Another startling revelation from the cleric was that God loves the fervency of the Muslims than the Christians in their worship of Him.

“The Muslims, God said he likes their methods of worship… than that of Christians. The only problem is that they (Muslims) don’t believe in Christ…… I could not ask any question as I was too afraid. I kept quiet because it was too heavy, if it were you I was talking to I can easily ask questions. I did not know whether I was going mad. All these happened in a vision.

The Bayelsa-born cleric also was warned not to visit his community and neither to interact with his extended family members. He also told of several angelic visitations in his residence in Port Harcourt. He was also warned not to take anyone to the police or arrest anyone. He was a policeman and had to resign as a result. He was also not to sue anyone to court no matter how aggrieved he was. This was after a training at the Police College in Ikeja Lagos. “I would be crying when I go to arrest someone, while the suspect is also crying. Have you seen that kind of a thing before?

“As a Christian why would you take anyone to court, maybe a widow with five children because she’s owing you? Why would you rape a woman?

There had been several testimonies of healing as a policeman and his wife from Kaduna got healed of HIV. Only the husband the policeman visited in Port Harcourt. The wife got healed after the man of God prayed over the phone on a bottle of water.

“When the woman in Kaduna was healed, she got a call from the governor who asked for the source of healing. She lied and mentioned another person. And the Holy Spirit got her punished for it.

A lady from Bayelsa State also got healed of HIV when she discovered the virus in 2017. And several others got healed of Covid 19 and other diseases.

You can reach Prophet Nathan Olozulu on 08037095199

EWR Note: Sponsored Article

Written by Ogona Anita

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