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Hunger Protests: The Search For A More Prosperous Blue Economy- Admiralty Lawyers Charts Way Forward

Hunger protests held across Nigeria from 1at to 10th of August 2024 , during which the Nigerian masses demonstrated their grievances against government policies which have culminated in hunger . The removal of oil subsidies , and therefore inflation in the price of petroleum products and essential commodities were at the centre of the predicaments which befell the nation since the take off of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration.

While the Admiralty Lawyers Society of Nigeria supports the citizens hunger protests as backed up by the law, we are of the view that the protests should have been tailored towards an overhaul in the maritime sector , and a much deepened heightened investment in that sector.Invariably there is need for Nigeria to prioritize it’s investments.In so doing prospective and projected investments for the oil and gas sector should be re-channeled to the Maritime sector for greater efficiency and productivity. This invest redirection will create jobs for the teeming mostly youth population with a corresponding decrease in crime rates across the country .

Nations of the world like Singapore Belgium and London with less maritime endowments than Nigeria have better job creation and national income index than Nigeria sue to a more creative and enduring maritime investment.
Whereas Nigeria continues to lie economically comatose owing to underinvestment in the maritime and relative over investments in oil and gas . Nigeria’s oil which has become subject of political frivolities is now a curse to the masses and progenitor of endless economic crises .

The solution to.hunger and poor employment in Nigeria no doubt lies in Nigeria retracing it’s steps , and revamping of our maritime industry through significant and heavy investments more than any other sector .
The call for the revamp for the eastern ports started lon ago with no strong political will shown by the government solve the problem .But a revamped eastern ports is sure to guarantee Nigeria at least 12 million good jobs for the youths with perhaps 100 million US dollars earning per annum .Businesses around the ports will experience steady boom and violent crimes in the south east south south axis will diminish greatly.

There is also urgent need for Nigeria to digitalize all maritime platforms and systems . The operations , programs and activities of the Nigerian Ports Authority,( NPA), Nigerian maritime Administration and Safety Agency ( NIMASA) , Nigeria’s Shippers Council ( NSC) and Nigeria Inland Waterways Agency ( NIWA) should be optimally digitalized for greater efficiency and efficacy . A more digital maritime sector will lead to more prudent management of our resources , save transaction time and therefore man-hours as well as the conservation of energy .

Furthermore , the place of capacity building in the maritime sector cannot be overemphasized.Administrative , operations and management staff of maritime establishments must have training and retraining programs on the tenets of maritime practice and industry regularly. Lawyers and other professionals involved in the day to day interface in the industry require continual.update on knowledge.

The knowledge and experience acquired if properly streamlined will guarantee adequate utilization of investments made in the industry and in the digitalization thereof .

On the whole there is no better time for Nigeria to declare a state of emergency on the maritime sector than now .Such a move will yield better income harvests , improve employment opportunities and ensure better living standard fir the masses.

Angus Obinna Chukwuka

Written by Anita Ogona

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