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Store Enough Fuel Of Kindness, Love, Peace, Generosity Before Your Journey To Eternity – Clergy Urge Sympathizers

By Sha’adu Felix

Friday the 31st of May, was the day of the burial of the husband of Mrs Bridget Amina Anebi Samuel a 42 years old gentleman who was full of life on 27/05/24. He went to work as usual but couldn’t return home as he got taken by a domestic accident while at work. As we assembled in Our Lady’s of Apostle Independence Way, Kaduna, relations, professional colleagues, friends of the couple and Catholic faithful with tearful looks were in the church auditorium to offer the last respect for the fallen dutiful husband. The solemn requiem mass with the Dean of Kaduna North Deanery and Parish priest of the host Parish Very Revd Fr. Anthony Okelue was the chief celebrant of the mass assisted by Very Revd. Fr. Anthony Shawuya and Revd. Fr. Stephen Onyema the Director of Social Communications in the Archdiocese of Kaduna.

The touching homily was delivered by Very Revd. Fr. Shawuya. He recounted that he met the deceased exactly two Sunday’s ago in church looking radiant and he believed he must have come as usual to pray and leave back to work. Fr. Shawuya was shocked to have seen his picture on social media platform he belonged to that he was deceased. Dying as a result of domestic accident. Accident is described as unexpected, undesirable event, often physically injurious.. Accidents happen suddenly. It can happen anywhere Fr continued, in the room, kitchen and on the road. In fact anywhere. He recounted his own experience when he recently traveled home to Kafanchan and he was given a room upstairs. He slept soundly, only to suddenly slipped in the bathroom but used his hand to protect the back of his head as he fell. For him he was saved but it could have been worse. Fr Shawuya said he thanked God for saving him but not so with the deceased.
Now that Mr. Samuel is gone to meet with the Lord he needs the fuel which he has saved for the journey to eternity. What is this fuel (grace) you may ask?

How do we obtain this grace of God? By attending an event such as this. We call it corporal works of mercy. Remember the Bible says in Matthew 5:7
” Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy ”
While living on earth, we need to store enough grace as fuel through love, kindness, peace making and generosity. We belong to Christ whether we live or die. The grave is actually not the end. Fr. Shawuya said the last time he met the deceased it was inside the Church, he must have prayed when he came over.

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Martha complained to Christ saying if he had been at their home earlier his brother Lazarus wouldn’t have died. John 11:21-22. Believe in Christ and carry out acts of Charity to others. ” Yet he shall live “.
Fr. Shawuya concluded by saying we are here to encourage the wife and ourselves, “the soul of the righteous shall live for ever. Amina, Fr said: “God will give you the courage to accept the things you cannot change and give you the grace to live with reality. The Lord hears the prayers of the widow.

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Be humble in life, because it can be long or short.
May his soul rest in peace Amen.

Eulogy session was great. A neighbor said the deceased was a great Christian. Very resilient. Fondly called Mr. Life. He said thieves were troubling their residence before he packed in. But with his courageous spirit, their attack reduced the moment he moved in.
Zonal Representative prayed that God consoled the family.
His Uncle described him as his son. Very Humble.

We later moved to Kabala cemetery where he was buried as soon as his coffin was lowered, cries of the wife and siblings rented the air. This truly shows no one is too young to die.

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