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Wrong Documentation: See Why You May Loose Your Landed Properties In Court

Announcement/ Advice
I had a serious case in the court of appeal today on the land matter.
The case is between my clients and some Omo onile at Ikotun/ ìgandò Lagos state
My clients won in the High court on merits but sadly today we lost on appeal.
The decision of the Court of appeal says that any Documents issued, or written or registered as Mr and Mrs XXXXX is a non – existent and non – juristic person which has no locus standing to sue for a legal action or maintain an action in the lawsuit. Thus, any form of receipt, survey plan or registered instrument in law which is written as Mr and Mrs XXXXX is invalid, null and void.
I cry today because all my effort wasted on the matter.
My advice for us please stop having any documents in term of Mr and Mrs anything. The love between couple does not extend or transcend the law.
All these Pastor and Mummy G.O on any documents or Alhaji and Alhaja anything is wrong. Professor and Dr( Mrs) anything is not acceptable as one person in law.
Please let use my case as a case study.

What is admissible in Courts is :
Not Mr. & Mrs Isaac ABRAHAM.
(A senior learned friend adviced)
Please let’s be wise.
Note, the Court is not saying that husband and wife should not own a property jointly, but the documentation must reflect both names in full

Written by adminreporter

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