
15 Things To Do To Stay Healthy And Happy

Essential Health Tips:

1) Take 2 glasses of lukewarm water, first thing in the morning after waking up.

2) Go for a medical checkup/lab test, at least, 3 times in a year. Things to check for include, Liver test, Prostate enlargement, Kidney test, Eye test, Hepatitis, HIV/STIs, ECG & MRI for Heart tests, Cholesterol levels.

3) Constantly check for your Blood Pressure level, & Sugar level.

4) Make sure you properly immunize your children. Get the full list of the diseases, and their period of immunization.

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5) Eat more of vegetables and fruits.

6) Reduce intake of alcoholic drinks.

7) Stay away from red meats, too much of fried & oily foods. Eat more of white meats, and fishes.

8) Reduce eating late at nights, especially proteins. Protein takes longer time to digest.

9) Treat as soon as possible any STI (Sexually transmitted infections). If left for a long time, it negatively affects the proper working of kidney, and liver.

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10) Advise, and make sure your wife goes for breast examination, and cervical checks.

11) Always ease yourself when pressed. Urinate as soon as you feel the urge; delaying puts much pressure on the bladder and may result to Kidney Stone over time.

12) Reduce stress, and have adequate sleep.

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13) Apply proper sitting position and safety (good ergonomics) in your place of work and at home. Don’t sit for a very long time at a stretch.

14) Maintain regular exercise. Walk for at least, 15 minutes daily.

15) Relax, have good time, and be happy!

Thanks, guys!!

——— Snazzy C.

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