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WHY ARE WE SUFFERING IN NIGERIA? A Question Which Need Answers – By Mkpisi.

Nigeria has the best and highest mineral deposit in world today, yet they are so impoverished that POVERTY have pity on them , why is it so ?

Globally we have one of the Best brains in everything,even in most advanced world where we make individual success, yet back home nothing works for us ,have we ask self what gives ?

Nigeria thread at places that scare Angels, we made success where failures has become order of the day,yet our nation is in Comatosic condition without oxygen machine.

Despite the amount we borrowed from leprous nations and keep borrowing, we can’t give account of it or were it was HIDDEN as it wasn’t used for the purpose of the borrowing.

As for the proceeds from our mineral deposits,that one can be addressed as Chaff sitting in the way of Hurricane wind.

I carefully searched to understand the reasons for such weird situations, i discovered that it was more of accumulated Venom of the gods to show indignation on the unjust treatment meted to the goose that lays the Golden Egg that held the Nation, even after the Nigeria refused to apologise for the Genocide of 1967 to 1970 when Federal Government Invaded Alaigbo through Oboloafor Nsukka on July 6 1967 ,on what they tagged Police action because they never anticipated resistance of any kind from the peace loving people East of the Niger.

They Invaded with wrath after they evacuated all the Arms at Armoury of 82 Division Enugwu and leaving behind total of 130 Rifles and Bullets attached to the riffles,in a move they called Armament reshuffling , which was used as disguise to empty the Armoury without raising eye brows, having that in mind because Alaigbo was bare and utterly DEFENSE less, they Invaded and boasted that they will capitulate Alaigbo within 48 Hours, which turned out to Last for 3 years , same number of Years Germany last under Hitler with all her preparation for War and Which he was the invader and aggressor of Nations he despise.

They awake a sleeping Giant,they show the world what an Enigma we have as Ndigbo,a Nation that was facing global hostility and they created Refineries that were refining at risk of Bombs that were targeted at things that move and things that doesn’t move, bombs they dropped at Churches, Schools, markets and any civilian POPULATION.
The Nation with allied partners of the world were concentrating on wiping them off the surface of the world and they were building Weapon of Mass destruction as far back as 1967 , infact the Ship tearing weapon of War called SHORE BATTERY was such SEA PROTECTOR that Naval ship decided never to incur the wrath of Ndigbo on Water ways.
The Making of Ogbunigwe has devastating effect that World powers became jittery to extend on openly supporting genocide because they saw the dawn of an African super power.

We invented the first and never ever seen again, invisible AIRPORT both at Mkporogwu which we called UGA and Uli ,we made the first mobile RADIO STATION it was skillfully managed by Okoko Ndem and Chukwumerije,it was so well managed that not even CNN, FOX NEWS can produce a match 5 Decades after.
The Economy was well structured and managed by Sylvester Ugo and his team that the mystery is still legendary in anals of CBN in the world.

Today what we can boast of as a Nation is Decadence,We have Kidnappers, Militants, Cow Rustlers, Bandits and massive Kidnapping in all Zones, then STAMPEDE is becoming a New Normal in our nation.

Wherever anybody wants to share smackrel of Rice even if it’s Lice many families will line up and hoping to get a bite and it’s creating STAMPEDE every where.

Yet the nation is not asking why are we slipping down the slope? they Just wondered and never actually ask self the valid question , talkless of again for the decanter to heal the pains.

Since they knew there’s a Third Force that propels the Nation positively, the people with touch of success and a part of the Nation with Diamond Grace, yet the light of the Nation is dimmed to the last stage, they should have asked self , why do we suffer in midst of abundance?.

Why do we starve even as we work in threshing ground that is fulfilled? .

Why do we thirst at the Bank of Spring Water?

Until this Nation felt the wrath and confess Sorry for the marginalization of the innocent Tripodial race they subjugated, they won’t rise above a step forward , a malicious drag backwards.

Today, we have reversed scarcity of NAIRA, you buy Naira with Naira and yet the Government is not troubled.

Prices of food stuff is hitting the roof and yet the Government are increasing taxes just to maximize the deep cut on the masses, they don’t understand you don’t over push even a sheep and she may bring out HIDDEN aggressive nature to save self.

Every serving Government seems to be abormination, but once it vacated, the new one will become worst and we did not understand that something is amiss.. just know that the unapologetic act of the Nation toward Ndigbo in the past is the curse, then the present marginalization of same is facilitating the woes that will betide the nation in future.

Either the Nation apologizes and repent or they should always be in decline, the choice is not more that such, then and only then, ask same people, how do we rescue this sunk ship ?

Merry Christmas and let’s wish the incoming year should not bring more brutal stage, as we are walking into it with scary scarcity of food stuff and Money.

Mkpisi ready to hit the Church and pray in Tongues for the Abandoned BISHOP that was kidnapped and abandoned in Anambara.

Good tidings , i wish you all. Pen 🖊️ of the gods.

Written by Ogona Anita

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