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Katsina Women Journalists Condemn Alleged Sexual Assault on Female Journalists By GM Katsina State Radio and Call for Action

A Position Letter by the Aisha Campaign Organization (ACO)

The Aisha Campaign Organization (ACO) in concert with Team-Unite expresses solidarity with the Katsina State Chapter of NAWOJ for the most unfortunate development of the sexual assault of female journalists at the Katsina State Radio.

It is sad that this unfortunate incident is coming in the wake of global clamour and action by gender advocates collectively heightened to end Gender Based Violence(GBV) in all its forms, and we totally raise our voice to condemn this act of mischief, and in strong terms.

While we express our deepest sympathy to our colleagues in Katsina State media establishment who were preyed upon while on active duty, we also call for the timely investigation of the ugly development and that the perpetrator(s) be brought to book.

In the same breath, we express gratitude to His Excellency, Malam Umaru Dikko Radda, Executive Governor, Katsina State for the timely and proactive action taken in setting up a Committee to investigate the matter, and we enjoin the Committee to also look into the merits of queries said to be issued which are aimed at victimizing 18 persons at the Radio station.

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We sincerely thank the State Chapter of NAWOJ for raising its voice against violence and assure the association of our immense support at this challenging time.

Kindly accept the assurances of our warmest esteem.

Thank you.

Comrade Grace Ijeoma Umeh fcai

Aisha Campaign Organization
For Team-Unite.
November 16, 2023.

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